Friday, February 26, 2021

Salt and Vinegar Poultice- An Old Timey Cure for Headaches



I grew up with a lot of old timey beliefs or 'old wives' tales' as my mother often called them. I can remember not being allowed to go barefoot as a child until we heard the first whip-oor-whill outside (denoting the coming of springtime, most generally) and things like that. My mother in addition to these superstitions also knew quite a lot about old-time medicine. One of the things that she passed down to me is the salt and vinegar poultice.

It is a simple recipe for curing a painful headache or a migraine. It's easily done and I'd imagine everyone reading this blog has the ingredients in their kitchen. You'll need a brown paper bag, vinegar, salt and a damp wash cloth.

First thing you do is cut a section of the brown paper bag out that will cover your forehead (or the forehead of whoever is ill) and you put that on a plate. Then you drown the paper in vinegar and sprinkle it with the salt. Then you take that paper and carefully wrap it up in the damp wash cloth so that you have a 'headband' that will cover the forehead and can be tied behind the head. This is then worn over the forehead and tied in the back until the headache goes away. You should avoid light and noise as well, of course.

That's it. Simple but powerful. All of these older ways of doing things are very simple and straight to the point and that's a big part of what I love about them. I have made this poultice for both my stepson and my partner with great success. I hope it helps you as well.

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